At atelier resfeber, we embrace the idea that everyone is an artist in their own right. Our mission is to inspire you to live your life authentically and creatively, each and every day.
人生という長い旅路の中では、時に曲がりくねったり、上り坂や下り坂もあり、時には一息つきたくなる時もあるかもしれません。 そんな時に、ほんの少しでも、前を向くきっかけになれば。あの始まりの高揚感を、もう一度思い出すきっかけになれれば。 そんな思いを込めて。
そう、ここatelier resfeberは、皆で創る場所。一人一人に与えられた、人生という真っ白いキャンバスを、自分色に彩ってみませんか。きっと、上手くいくはず。
The word "resfeber," derived from Swedish, captures the blend of anticipation and trepidation that often accompanies the start of a new journey. Life’s path is full of twists and turns, with its share of uphill climbs and downhill slopes, and there are moments when we might need a pause to catch our breath.
In these moments, we hope to provide a gentle nudge to help you look forward, rekindling the initial excitement of new beginnings. Atelier resfeber is a space for collective creativity, where each of us can add our unique colors to the blank canvas of life. Join us in this journey, and let’s create something beautiful together.
About Me
現在はWebマーケティングを生業(rice work)としつつ、アトリエ・セレクトショップ運営(life work)、通訳案内士(like work)としてパラレルに活動中。趣味はガーデニング、料理、登山、美術鑑賞。
Interior coordinator and green advisor.
After graduating from Aoyama Gakuin University, I had the opportunity to study abroad at Oxford University. Thanks to my travel-loving parents, I was fortunate to journey across various regions from a young age, fostering a deep appreciation for the culture and natural beauty nurtured by each place. I hold a special connection to Sweden, where I spent a significant amount of time, deeply moved by the emphasis on individual autonomy, design thinking, and the societal structures that support them.
Currently, I work in web marketing (rice work) while also running an atelier and select shop (life work) and working as a tour guide (like work), balancing these roles in parallel. My hobbies include gardening, cooking, mountain climbing, and art appreciation.